Web of Science
Task #2
EndNote Online
Watch the video about EndNote Online, a reference manager which helps to automize the process of adding references to papers:

You may find this reading useful if you work with LaTex:
Complete the assignment (9 questions, 1 point each)
Task #3
Study the presentation "How to find a journal in Web of Science and Master Journal List".
For more information about journal metrics refer to the link Journal Citation Reports.

Make up a list of 10 journals relevant to your field of interest, give their category, Impact Factor and Quartile.
Task #4
Watch the brief course "Preparing to use InCites"(free registration is required).

Pay special attention to sections:
  • Data elements
  • Commonly used metrics
  • Absolute vs normalized metrics

Watch a short video before completing the task.
Complete the assignment (7 questions, 2 points each)
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